Our mission is to amplify your brand and engage your audience.

At SunMedia, we know what it takes to launch, grow, and evolve your brand, thanks to our deep industry knowledge and entrepreneurial experience.

We've mastered the playbook and even added some of our own strategies along the way.

Sunrise Process

Our Sunrise Process is our way of discovering and developing your brand's purpose.

These five steps guide us in building your strategy.

  • By getting to know your competition inside and out, we can spot unique opportunities just for you—perfect for influencers or small companies starting to build their brands. We’ll see where others are missing the mark and use those insights to craft a strategy that really highlights what makes you the special one.

  • Understanding who you're talking to is key. We don't just look at the basic details like age or location; we dig deeper into what really makes your audience tick—their interests, habits, and what they truly care about. This helps us find common threads that connect them. By shaping our messages to fit these shared traits and values, we make sure your brand speaks directly to the heart of your audience.

  • To build a strategy that really works, we need to start with a clear vision of your brand. We'll kick things off by asking you some key questions to really understand what you're aiming for.

    This step helps us craft a vision statement that guides everything we do, ensuring that all the creative materials we produce are aligned with your goals and truly reflect what you stand for.

  • Our brand positioning statement is crucial in our Sunrise process because it's not just about where your brand sits in the market—it's about where it lives in the minds of your customers.

    We focus on discovering gaps in the market that your brand can uniquely fill. This approach ensures that your brand really stands out. Our positioning statement will clearly define your target audience, how we relate to them compared to others in the space, and the key benefits that make your brand indispensable.

  • Exploring your brand's personality is one of the most enlightening exercises we undertake with our clients. Together, we sift through hundreds of words that could describe your brand’s essence until we pinpoint the unique traits that define its character.

    This not only informs our approach but also equips our copywriter and art director with the insights they need to bring your brand to life in a way that truly resonates.

Our capabilities

Get started evolving your brand .